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About the Library

The Fray Juan de Jesús Anaya O.F.M. Library of the University of San Buenaventura Cali, was born with the University in 1970, and is located in the El Lago building, has an area of 4,300 mt2, divided into 3 floors, and has a bibliographic collection consisting of:

The Library offers information services, training, innovative spaces for students, professors, researchers and graduates, and a collection management program; with the objective of seeking user satisfaction, relevant and updated information resources for academic programs, meeting the standards of university libraries, supporting the institutional accreditation processes and objectives of the QMS, being a strategic support unit for the processes of education, research, innovation and knowledge creation, being a reference for local and national libraries.

Learn about our services

We present the different services we offer at the Library. Click on each one to learn more.

Reading Corner
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Online Catalog
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Resources by faculty
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Interlibrary Loan
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Academic databases
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Study rooms
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Training, Manuals, Tutorials
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Academic Tools
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Inclusive Services
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Degree Works
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Reading Corner
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Online Catalog
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Resources by faculty
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Interlibrary Loan
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Academic databases
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Study rooms
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Training, Manuals, Tutorials
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Academic Tools
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Inclusive Services
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Degree Works
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Comprometidos con la Sostenibilidad
Comprometidos con la Sostenibilidad

La Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali continua evidenciando su compromiso con la sostenibilidad

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Reading Corner

Don’t know what to read? Here are some options

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Undergraduate work and scientific production USB

This report shows the development of USB Cali’s research in the last 8 years.

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Nuevas adquisiciones



Ubícalo en Biblioteca con la signatura:

300.1 L177

Malditos libertadores: Historia del subdesarrollo latinoamericano

Malditos libertadores: Historia del subdesarrollo latinoamericano

Ubícalo en Biblioteca con la signatura:

980.02 Z25 E.l

Comunicación, culturay lucha de clases

Comunicación, culturay lucha de clases

Ubícalo en Biblioteca con la signatura:

302.23 Z38 E.l

La ciudad bien temperada

La ciudad bien temperada

Ubícalo en Biblioteca con la signatura:

300.1 L177

La lógica de la explicación en las ciencias sociales

La lógica de la explicación en las ciencias sociales

Ubícalo en Biblioteca con la signatura:

300.1 L177

Contact us at

Need more information?

Lunes a viernes, 7:00 am a 9:00 pm · Sábados, 7:30 am a 3:30 pm

PBX: 602 488 2222 ext. 278, 364

3165131035 biblioteca@usbcali.edu.co

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Fray Juan de Jesús Anaya, O.F.M. Library.

Nuestra colección bibliográfica

Libros impresos
46.000 libros impresos
Libros electronicos
56.000 libros electrónicos
Trabajos de grado
9.500 trabajos de grado
Revistas electronicas
15.000 revistas electrónicas
Libros incunables
7 libros incunables
Libros antiguos
4.000 libros antiguos


Adriana Mendoza

Adriana Mendoza

Maestra en Educación: Desarrollo Humano


Alexander Zuñiga

Alexander Zuñiga



Ana María Cruz

Ana María Cruz

Doctoranda en Sociología


Andrés Erazo 

Andrés Erazo 

Doctor en Proyectos Arquitectónicos


Juan David Castillo

Juan David Castillo

Candidato a Magíster en Derechos Humanos


Monika Naranjo

Monika Naranjo

Directora Escuela de Formación y Gestión Deportiva


Adriana Mendoza

Adriana Mendoza

Maestra en Educación: Desarrollo Humano


Alexander Zuñiga

Alexander Zuñiga



Ana María Cruz

Ana María Cruz

Doctoranda en Sociología


Andrés Erazo 

Andrés Erazo 

Doctor en Proyectos Arquitectónicos


Juan David Castillo

Juan David Castillo

Candidato a Magíster en Derechos Humanos


Monika Naranjo

Monika Naranjo

Directora Escuela de Formación y Gestión Deportiva
