The Bonaventurian Educational Project contemplates the linguistic tool as one of the fundamental components in the educational practice for the integral formation of its professionals. The linguistic tool is seen as a “Component for the progressive teaching and learning of a foreign language that serves as a tool for reading, comprehension, analysis, oral and written expression of specialized literature, related to the student’s field of professional training. It will be understood as a tool in that it is not intended to be a bilingual education, but a comprehensive practice of the language for the management of information flows.”
“The University will incorporate as a component of its academic identity the linguistic tool, recognizing that it is an essential means of communication and information worldwide in all fields of knowledge.”
Bonaventurian Educational Project (p. 74)
As a strategy to strengthen bilingualism in the Bonaventurian community and respecting our corporate policy, the alliance with Berlitz is made.
Berlitz, with more than 140 years and presence in more than 70 countries around the world, is a worldwide company with the broadest portfolio of language programs for children, youth, adults and companies. The success of our courses is achieved through the combination of the 100% conversational Berlitz method, with technological tools and a constant improvement and innovation in our service; this is proven by more than one million satisfied students around the world.
Berlitz Education is a division of the Berlitz corporate portfolio focused on the generation of programs and proposals aimed at supporting and strengthening the guidelines of the country’s academic institutions, thus supporting bilingualism plans aimed at the entire academic community. For this reason, starting in 2019 Berlitz and the San Buenaventura University of Cali, have partnered to strengthen the academic offerings of language courses in the different programs of the university.
Courses in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), according to the needs of the program.
Academic integration is a pedagogical strategy in which teachers from different training programs participate for the transversal use of English in other subjects.
It has been conceived to strengthen the study skills of those students who are committed to the inclusion of English in their daily learning tasks, which today has become a latent need, given the objectives of internationalization that have been proposed even from the same policies of the Ministry of Education.
The complementary Academic Integration workshops provide the training and tools necessary to execute academic activities whose inputs are readings in English, as well as provide students with the necessary elements to be taken into account in their academic activities.
The selection, preparation, and study of contents in which the main vehicle is the English language.
Get to know our corporate foreign language policy of the Universidad de San Buenaventura and our institutional foreign language policy.
Being consistent with the purpose of responding to the educational goals proposed by the Ministry of National Education with the National Bilingualism Plan, to strengthen the mastery of a foreign language to be part of global dynamics of academic, cultural, and economic type, the Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali, has established the requirement of English as a foreign language for all undergraduate academic programs, face-to-face and distance. This requirement is mandatory and must be approved by the undergraduate students to opt for the professional degree.
In addition to the specific examinations (Oral Exam, Partial Exam, Final Exam, Supplementary Exam, Validation Exam, Proficiency Exam), as provided for in the Corporate Student Regulations 2020 (CHAPTER VI: GENERAL ACADEMIC ASPECTS, Article 30:
With the purpose of determining the level of linguistic competence in the English language for those students entering the institution for the first time and/or by transfer through two sessions scheduled at the beginning of the semester.
The information and dates for the application of this test will be announced during the Induction Day. Placement exams are taken only upon entering the academic program and are free of charge.
These are those submitted by a student, provided he/she is an active student or has applied for reinstatement, who requests recognition of a course approved in another educational institution and will include in a broad sense the analytical and significant contents in force in the respective academic program of the University.
This examination is unique and does not admit any additional supplementary test. The minimum passing grade for the validation exams will be four point zero (4.0). If the student loses the validation exam, he/she must enroll, register and retake the course.
The proficiency test is authorized when the student demonstrates mastery or specific competencies in a course and there are no internal or external academic records.
A maximum of two proficiency tests will be authorized per academic period, with a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days between them.
For foreign languages, the tests regulated by the Ministry of National Education according to current regulations will be accepted as certificates of proficiency.
Intersemester courses are those that take place during vacation time for the purpose of repeating, leveling or advancing in courses of the curriculum. The intersemester courses will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the academic projects of the respective program.
Currently Colombia has 2 PROMETRIC International Test Centers, Bogota and Cali, the latter located in the facilities of the University of San Buenaventura and equipped with all the technology of the most modern Test Centers worldwide.
PROMETRIC is visited by more than 600 people per year and is administered from this location by the Language Center.
All exams are administered according to the guidelines established by each entity, therefore the candidate must manage on the corresponding web page everything related to registration and payment.
Contrary to popular thought, Lorem Ipsum text is not simply random text. It has its roots in a classic piece of Latin literature, dating back to 45 B.C., making it over 2000 years old.
Test of knowledge and skills performed by students
high school graduates and/or scholarship applicants to apply to universities
Americanas.lnscripción and payment on the page:
Contrary to popular thought, Lorem Ipsum text is not simply random text. It has its roots in a classic piece of Latin literature, dating back to 45 B.C., making it over 2000 years old.
Contrary to popular thought, Lorem Ipsum text is not simply random text. It has its roots in a classic piece of Latin literature, dating back to 45 B.C., making it over 2000 years old.
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