¿Qué estás buscando?

The Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali ID card is the unique and non-transferable document, with which we identify ourselves as active members of the University, playing different roles such as: student, professor, administrative staff or graduate; for this reason, it is necessary to carry it as it will allow you to access the different services within the campus and enter the facilities in a pedestrian and vehicular manner.


Students enrolled for the first time:

Students entering for the first time (first semester and external transfer) to any of the undergraduate academic programs of the University, will be delivered to the academic program from the day of the beginning of classes. Students who do not receive their ID cards at their program may write to registroacademico@usbcali.edu.co to inquire about the process of obtaining their cards and will be informed once they are ready. Note: For students enrolled in postgraduate academic programs, the card will be issued by the Postgraduate Department and/or its academic coordination.


Application for a new ID card due to a change of identity document:

You can send your request to registroacademico@usbcali.edu.co and you must attach the following documents:
– Photocopy of identity card
– Photo blue background blue background, measures 3X4, format JPG, legible
– This process is free of charge

Note: Once the new card is issued, the other card must be returned.


Application for a lost and/or stolen ID card:

You can send your request to registroacademico@usbcali.edu.co and you must attach the following documents:
– Photocopy of identity card
– Reporting the loss of the document
– Photo blue background blue background, measures 3X4, format JPG, legible
– Pay the corresponding amount (this amount is subject to change according to University policies).


Application for impairment:

You can send your request to registroacademico@usbcali.edu.co and must attach the following documents:
-Photocopy of identity card
– Photo blue background blue background, measures 3X4, format JPG, legible
– Pay the corresponding amount (this amount is subject to change according to University policies).


Graduate Students:

The card that accredits them as graduates of the University is presented at the Solemn Graduation Ceremony together with the professional diploma.


Note: The delivery of the new ID card for any of the above cases will be made within 3 working days after the application process has been completed at the Academic Registration Office.

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Graduation processes
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Enrollment and Admissions
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Academic certification
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Graduation processes
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